Greenvet GutClear Plus Worm Tablet (One Tablet)
Each tablet contains 150 mg of febantel, 144 mg of pyrantel pamoate and 50 mg of Praziquantel
Mode of administration:
Orally, with non-liquid feed
In the event of a heavy roundworm infestation, a repeat dose should be given after 14 days.
- Do not use in animals with a known sensitivity to the active ingredients or to any of the excipients.
- Do not exceed recommended dose when treating pregnant bitches.
- Do not use simultaneously with piperazine compounds.
- Consult a veterinarian before treating pregnant bitches for round worms.
- Tapeworm infestation is certain to re-Occur unless control of intermediate hosts such as fleas, mice etc. is undertaken.
Treatment of mixed infections by adult cestodes and nematodes of the following species:
Ascarids: Toxocara Canis, Toxascaris leonina (adult and late immature forms). Hookworms: Uncinaria tenocephala, Ancylostoma Caninum dults). Whipworms: Trichuris vulpis Adults).
Tapeworms: Echinococcus spp., Taenia spp., Dipylidium caninum (adult and immature forms).
Store in cool & dry place at room temperature (15-30°C) protected from light.
1 tablet per 10 kg Body weight
For the control of Toxocara spp., nursing bitches should be dosed 2 weeks after
iving birth and every 2 weeks until weaning. Puppies should be treated at 2
weeks of age and then at every 2 weeks interval until 12 weeks of age. Thereafter
they should be treated at once a month from 3 to 6 months of age and after that
at every 3 month intervals. It is advisable to treat the bitch at the same time as
puppies. For routine control of adult dogs, should be treated every 3 months.
Two (2) tablets and Twenty (20) tablets